Join Me

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Add peer-to-peer fundraising to your fundraising toolkit to enlist your existing donors to reach out online to their networks for your cause. Nonprofits are witnessing the phenomenal growth of social networking and are looking for ways to leverage that growth to fundraise. Using Join Me, your fundraisers can build a personal webpage that adds their unique message to your organizational one, and invites their contacts to visit their page—and give to your cause.


Have you ever wished you could fully leverage your existing donors’ network of friends, family and colleagues to raise funds for your mission? With Join Me, you can.

Join Me enables nonprofits to harness the power of the Internet to solicit donations from their donors and their donors’ friends, family, and colleagues in conjunction with an event like an a-thon, or an independent fundraising effort like a fund-a-need. Using Join Me, nonprofits give their donors Web-based tools that empower donors to promote a cause and solicit online donations via email and a wide variety of social media sites.

Donors that use Join Me to participate in your fundraiser become agents for your cause. They adopt your organizational mission as their own, promoting that mission to drive donations made in their name by their contacts. Your organization raises funds and awareness and uncovers new donors without the complexity of delivering a benefit auction event.

Participants build their personal or team fundraising Webpage and solicit donations utilizing easy-to-use Web-based tools that require minimal support from you. You can easily monitor participants’ fundraising pages, track donations, capture new donor information, securely accept and process credit card donations, and report results.


  • Email manager for nonprofit and fundraisers
  • Customizable HTML email templates
  • Distribution lists, opt-in/opt-out, failure handling
  • Email result reporting
  • Personal fundraising tools for nonprofit and fundraisers
  • Campaign or event Website, including fundraiser signup page
  • Fundraiser page with nonprofit and fundraiser content, goal tracking graph, donor comments, donation entry
  • Offline donation entry for fundraiser
  • Supporter and donor database, reports and controls for nonprofit
  • Widgets and links for social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, etc.

What Our Clients Say



"I’m not a computer person, and setting up a Join Me personal fundraiser page was not hard to figure out. We had 150 people set up pages and didn’t get many calls at all. We really are using the social networking tools to promote the Sleep Out. Our young supporters were all over that. We are about $197K ahead of last year. As we’ve been talking to media about the increase, we’ve been talking about using Join Me pages. We had a large increase in donors as well, over 500 more this year. Again, it goes back to Join Me."

 —Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners


Yes, Join Me can be used in many creative ways for fundraisers, such as a Fund-a-Cause, golf tournaments, capital campaigns, and personal tributes etc.

The Project Website contains a landing page where visitors can learn about your fundraising efforts, and access a Fundraiser Signup page where they can become personal fundraisers.

The fundraiser signup page on your project website provides an introduction for people interested in becoming a fundraiser. It also sets up the information and goals for the fundraiser. Finally, it defines how you record the donations coming in from the fundraiser.

Once you have built and posted your project website, you are ready to attract a team of personal or team fundraisers. You can use the Join Me email features to connect with your supporters. You can also include the link to your fundraiser signup page in newsletters, marketing materials and on your main website.

You can upload email contacts from Comma-Separated Value (.csv) and Excel files (.xls) into your Join Me project by clicking on View/Edit Supporters, then clicking on the Import button and following the instructions.

Yes, you can add your Fundraiser Signup Website URL to any social networking site, as well as your organizations’ Website, emails, newsletters, etc., to recruit participants for an a-thon.

Your fundraisers can embed your organization’s Join Me widget or link on a variety of popular social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress. The All button will list all the available sites.

A Web widget is a mini-Web application you can put in your Webpage, blog or social profile that can quickly and easily provide your visitors with user-specific information. Widgets are available in ready-to-use formats and customizable by the user.

You cannot edit what they write, however you can change the status of their pages to Withdrawn or Turned Off.

On the Project Home page under Project Website, click Manage Fundraising Pages. From here you can see the status of your fundraisers and how much they have raised.

Related Resources

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How I Fundraise: Sunny Hills Services on Go Time

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